1. Membership of the syndicate is by annual invitation of the management and may be terminated at any time by their decision. Rule-breaking or any bad behaviour will bring instant expulsion without refund. The decision of the management is final in all cases.
2. The complex will not be closed for any close season. Except for river (15th March to 15th June inclusive.) However, the lakes will be closed during spawning periods and management reserve the right to close all lakes for social/charity events.
3. A maximum of three licensed rods per angler, rods must be fished from one swim and not spread along the bank.
4. All carp caught must be photographed on each side, and pictures with details of weight and capture date to be sent to fisheries manager within 8 weeks of capture.
5. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation only an inebriated state will not be tolerated.
6. Members are expected to act sensibly, anyone found to be breaking rules, or acting in a manner so as to jeopardise the fish, other anglers, the fishery; the relationship between the management and the landlords, or any other bona fide users of the site, will be dealt with by the management, as they see fit.
7. Anglers to exercise the greatest possible care of fish; always use an unhooking mat, spread on a soft flat surface, rather than on uneven or hard bank side (e.g. gravel) be aware that watch straps, badges, jewellery and zips may damage the fish. Minimise the time the fish is out of the water, and handle as little as possible. On returning please hold upright in sufficient depth until the fish is ready to swim off. Please ensure that all nets, slings, and mats have been washed and dried if you have fished elsewhere.
8. Particle baits; incorrectly prepared particle baits can kill fish; they must be prepared according to the instructions for the particular variety. Where boiling is specified this must be done to ensure safe preparation. If in any doubt play safe. It is impossible to over soak. Please use all particles in sensible moderation. “Soaked only” must not be used in any circumstances.
9. Carp sacks are not permitted under any circumstances, and should not be bought on to the fishery. RETENTION SLINGS ARE FINE SENSIBLE USE.
9a. Fish retaining slings are permitted to be used but only whilst camera equipment etc is being organised. Under no circumstances are fish to be retained in these.
10. No permanently fixed leads and no braided main lines.
11. No litter; All litter to be collected before you start fishing, any angler found with litter in their swim whilst fishing, or after they have left will be banned. This is irrespective of whether the angler deposited the litter or not. No Barbecues. Strictly no fires other than on organised work parties.
12. No cutting, or removing, of trees, bushes, rushes, reeds, etc and strictly no open fires.
13. Removal or introduction of fish is strictly prohibited.
14. No live baits to be brought onto the fisheries, from outside, and must only be used on the water body from which they were caught. Pike fishing from October to March inclusive only.
15. Due to restrictions made by the owners and insurance, boats are not allowed on the lakes for fishing purposes and are only to be used for fishery management.
16. The sensible use of bait boats is allowed, and these must not exceed the limits of the swim you are fishing, this means giving every consideration to other anglers. If fishing a distant feature island, snag etc. a dummy run must be made with unbaited tackle, this is to ensure you are depositing rig in a clean area and not fishing to an unseen obstruction. Fish safety first, captures second.
17. No line shall be left in the water unattended or baited hook left unattended on the bank.
18. Fishing guest tickets will be available for 24-hour periods at a cost of £30.00. Tickets must be pre-booked with fisheries manager giving at least one-weeks notice. Only one guest per water allowed at any one time.
Guests must abide by all rules and are the sole responsibility of the member.
19. The management or any private guests of theirs reserve the right to fish at any time.
20. All persons shall enter and fish the complex at their own risk, the owners and management accept no responsibility for any accidents, loss or damage to persons, property, or vehicles however caused.
21. The management reserve the right to amend these rules, or add new ones, at any time without prior notice.
22. It is not permissible to reserve a swim for yourself or other anglers, you may place an object in a chosen swim for as long as it takes you to return to your vehicle and transport tackle to said swim (not walking around looking for a better alternative). You may leave your swim for a maximum of 3 hours in any 24 hour period, if you intend staying away any longer you must vacate your swim completely.
23. The maximum length of a session is 84 hours (4 days & 3 nights), after which time you must not return to the complex within 72 hours (this means you can fish one session per week).
24. The management reserve the right to close the complex at any time they think fit and prior notice will be given in writing whenever possible.
25. All gates and barriers to be closed and properly locked at all times, combination codes are not to be disclosed to others, this includes guests.
26. Members should act as bailiffs where necessary, any rule-breaking should be reported to the fisheries manager as soon as possible.
27. Please carry your membership card with you at all times.
28. Members must show the maximum possible respect to other members.
29. Vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas at all times, and drive on tracks provided only. Vehicles are not permitted in out of bounds areas under any circumstances, including grass verges adjacent to swims.
30. All publicity, including photos, stories and reports about the fish or fishery is first to be authorised by the management, individual lakes are not to be specified, details should state “Ecton Lakes”. A copy of authorised publicity must be supplied to fishery manager as soon as published.
31. Last but not least, enjoy your fishing!